

Green Cube’s mission statement reflects an understanding of the importance nature plays in learning and development during the first few years of life.  Research shows “Nature play” supports overall development and wellbeing of children. First, nature is relaxing! Just being in natural environments releases the ‘happy hormone’, serotonin, which balances out the ‘stress hormone’.  Second, playing in nature builds language skills in children by strengthening the neuron pathways for complex thought.  Nature’s ability to offer ‘BIG’ spaces where we can express ‘BIG’ emotions is what children need today; (ie coping with anxiety, depression, fear, anger etc., due to unprecedented times/COVID). — Nature can and will absorb them. Other notable references to nature include being away from city/urban pollutants improves memory, focus, and self-regulation.  Along with these specific developments in the brain, studies show that nature builds on our social brains by lighting up the areas associated with empathy and caring. It’s clear, playing in nature, builds stronger, healthier bodies AND happy brains. through the integration of all our sensory processing skills.




Our Philosophy at Green Cube goes beyond creating a prepared traditional curriculum.  Far from the classic approach where curriculums focus on intellectual development only, our research has led us to believe that children use ‘innate adaptations’; interpretations through construction of new ideas.  When they have opportunities to explore elements found in Nature, they form conceptual thoughts and ideas, which our trained teachers will facilitate and expand upon.  Our philosophy places great importance on training the young mind to ‘stay present’ and become intimately connected to their ‘being’ and the environment. Science has proven that mindfulness practices have benefits on the child’s overall development and well-being.

In our classrooms, children will come to appreciate the earth’s resources, and our vital role in protecting and preserving them. Our philosophy is built on ‘green’ principles to ensure our daycare centre contributes to creating a healthier planet.  Children will be able to grow small gardens, observe small ecological systems, and play with soil, sand rocks, stones, logs, and sticks as well as water. This learning environment makes Mother-Earth the “teacher”.


Looking forward to a learning journey with your child!


BY THE HAND OF MAN.” – Author Unknown

With decades of experience working with children ages 0-6 years old, we, a team of experts in the field of Early Childhood Education, have decoded the essential elements that nurture optimal development during these sensitive periods of learning.  The elements are as follows:

How children construct/build on their own learning experiences invariably through their environments;

How the environment, (ie.NATURE) contributes to the way a child will see themselves and others;

How caregivers use of ’provocation’ and ‘stage-setting’ techniques transcend to enhancement of learning. Using research and data, in conjunction with documentation of my own personal experiences teaching, the results were truly astonishing!



At Green Cube, we foster learning by tapping into an innate curiosity to want to explore and discover the natural world around us.  Its State of the art interior design was created by experts in the field of Early Childhood Education and our team aspires to achieve the highest quality care for your child.  We place priority on hiring qualified Educators, whose passion is unmeasurable and truly believe in our philosophy.  The Educators will work hand in hand with each of you to ensure your child’s success here, at our preschool.

Children will look forward to coming to school everyday to embark on a new adventure.  They will explore a variety of natural materials, and have opportunities to make discoveries as a group and on their own.

Our Programs

Infant painting


Green Cube Toddlers are guided through this phase of development in a warm, stimulating nature -inspired environment. Here, at Green Cube Childcare Centre, we believe that children learn through ‘nature-play’. We provide consistency in routines and daily experiences that encourage children to learn self-help skills as well as practical life skills. Our toddlers will feel free to safely explore the learning centres, which are nature-inspired and strategically designed by our qualified Early Childhood Educators. The centres will be stimulating and have provocation materials that will capture your toddlers attention and keep it. The centres will change periodically, however, always continue to reflect the childrens’ changing and growing interests. The provocation and inviting materials will foster independence and help children to develop a wide range of skills, such as role play, gross motor, fine motor, problem solving, risk assessment, discovering, imaginative play, communication and so on.

Pre Schooler

Green Cube Preschoolers are guided through this phase of development in a warm, stimulating, nature-inspired environment. Here, at Green Cube Childcare Centre, we believe that children learn through ‘nature play’. Our preschool program is designed to help prepare children for Kindergarten. We believe that every child’s unique capabilities and creativity can be prompted through genuine relationships and bonds that our early childhood educators will have with the kids. The teachers will follow the child’s lead by allowing them to explore and make connections and discoveries and learning on their own and then extending their knowledge by asking them investigative questions and allowing them further experimentation. We believe that every child is different and we encourage them to be responsible, independent and interactive at their own pace.

Infant classroom
Infant classroom

Pre Schooler

Green Cube Preschoolers are guided through this phase of development in a warm, stimulating, nature-inspired environment. Here, at Green Cube Childcare Centre, we believe that children learn through ‘nature play’. Our preschool program is designed to help prepare children for Kindergarten. We believe that every child’s unique capabilities and creativity can be prompted through genuine relationships and bonds that our early childhood educators will have with the kids. The teachers will follow the child’s lead by allowing them to explore and make connections and discoveries and learning on their own and then extending their knowledge by asking them investigative questions and allowing them further experimentation. We believe that every child is different and we encourage them to be responsible, independent and interactive at their own pace.


Hello, allow me to introduce myself. My name is Ida Kolenc. I am one of the owners/operators of Green Cube Childcare Centre, along with my husband, Michael. I am excited to share this revolutionary vision behind our daycare’s philosophy and concept. Utilizing two decades of my own personal experience working with young children, along with a team of experts in the field, I believe Green Cube Childcare Centre has decoded the essential components necessary to re-create environments which mimic nature. Essentially, we are ‘setting the natural stage’ and utilizing provocation techniques, which will allow children to explore, conceptualize, learn and grow using natural materials. It’s philosophy, inspired by nature, translates beautifully into a curriculum that fosters, not only a great academic foundation, but a true connection to the Earth, themselves and others. Mindfulness and self-awareness will also be incorporated in the centre’s programs; as it consolidates the relationship between nature connectedness and human well-being.


Guided by the belief of giving back to the community, GREEN CUBE has constantly been taking parts in programs dedicated to the betterment of the less fortunate. Our charity programs are designed to help children learn by doing, with hands-on projects in education and health to alleviate human suffering among the poor, orphans and marginalized communities


Coverage Area

We are happily taking enrollments from Nobleton and from the surrounding areas including:
  • King City

  • Kleinburg

  • Bolton

  • Hollypark

  • Hammertown

  • Linton

  • New Scotland

  • Strange

  • Laskay

  • King creek


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